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  2. 機能創成セミナー

機能創成セミナー Seminar on Mechanical Science and Bioengineering

[July 19th 2024 (Fri) 15:00-16:00]
基礎工学研究科 国際棟セミナー室
Thermodynamic and mechanical stability of multi-principal elemental alloys: The role of chemical short-range order
In the past two decades, materials science has witnessed a remarkable breakthrough with the introduction of multiple principal elements into a single-phase crystal, leading to a conceptual revolution in physical metallurgy known as multi-principal elemental alloys (MPEAs). These alloys exhibit a unique characteristic where chemical short-range order (CSRO) is formed due to the competition between enthalpic and entropy interactions. However, the underlying physical mechanism behind the thermodynamic and mechanical stability of such alloys, especially the formation mechanism of CSRO remains incompletely understood, and its impact on the mechanical properties of MPEAs is still being explored. In this presentation, I will elucidate the process of chemical disorder-order transition in solid solutions by examining the absolute free energy of the alloy configuration. Through atomistic simulations, I will discuss the role of SRO in phonon instability, diffusion, and dislocation plasticity. Furthermore, I will emphasize the significance of vibrational and configurational entropy in comprehending the thermodynamic stability and deformation mechanisms of MPEAs.
Dr. Yun-Jiang Wang (Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
世話人:尾方 成信
[July 16th 2024 (Tue) 12:00-13:00]
ECM-mediated EndMT in vascular wall remodeling
Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) is a fundamental process in vascular remodeling, which involves functional changes in both cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) in response to various stimuli. EndMT has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular pathologies, however the details of its regulatory mechanism remain unclear. We have previously shown that EndMT is the main cause of neointima formation in vascular stenosis upon carotid artery ligation, and that hypoxic conditions associated with blood flow arrest trigger EndMT and neointima formation (Yamashiro. Cardiovasc. Res., 2023). However, how does EndMT initiate in a hypoxic environment? The details of the pathogenic mechanism have not been clarified. Therefore, using human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), we clarified the genes whose expression increases or decreases under hypoxic conditions by RNA-seq analysis. We also identified the ECM protein, Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4), which is secreted from HAECs under hypoxic conditions, by secretome analysis. The mRNA expression at the single-cell resolution by spatial transcriptomics (HybISS) and the analysis of ECM dynamics using timelapse-live imaging techniques will reveal the details of the mechanism of EndMT onset.
山城義人 (国立循環器病研究センター 先端医療技術開発部 室長)
世話人:出口 真次
[July 4th 2024 (Thu) 15:00-16:00]
Molecular dynamics and enhanced energy landscape sampling investigations on defect evolution in crystalline metals
The evolutions of crystalline defects as responses to external thermo-mechanical stimuli are responsible for the properties of structural materials at different spatial/temporal scales. Molecular dynamics simulation enables us to follow such atomic-level processes with its predictive power, and this power can be enhanced by probing the complex energy landscape via the Activation-Relaxation Technique or other Metadynamics-based algorithms. With these approaches, explorations on defect evolutions including both interface behaviors and dislocation behaviors were made, to elucidate some controversial topics or to constitute a more comprehensive mechanism map, with a particular attention paid to hexagonal close-packed metals.
Dr. Xiao-Zhi Tang (Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics, School of Physical Science and Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University)
世話人:尾方 成信
[Mar 22nd 2024 (Fri) 11:00-12:00]
基礎工学研究科 C419(C棟共用セミナー室)
1)部門全体の活動の概要   15分
2)層流垂直尾翼の技術実証(DoLFINS)の活動紹介   15分
3)大規模計算と乱流モデル開発に関する活動の説明  15分
4)質疑   15分
徳川直子, 阿部浩幸 (JAXA航空技術部門 基盤技術研究ユニット)
世話人:後藤 晋, 河原 源太
[Mar 13th 2024 (Wed) 15:10-16:10]
基礎工学研究科 D404(D棟4階共用セミナー室)
Underwater Robots. Challenge and opportunities.
Underwater robots, also known as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) or remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), are advanced technological machines designed to explore and operate in the depths of the ocean. These sophisticated machines are equipped with a variety of sensors, cameras, and manipulators, allowing them to navigate through the underwater environment, collect data, and perform a wide range of tasks. From scientific research and environmental monitoring to offshore infrastructure inspection and military applications, underwater robots play a vital role in exploring and understanding the mysterious world beneath the ocean's surface. As technology continues to advance, the capabilities of underwater robots are expanding, opening up new possibilities for exploration and discovery in one of the Earth's least explored frontiers.
At Polytechnic university of Madrid, we are focused on bioinspired underwater robots are a fascinating fusion of nature and technology, drawing inspiration from the incredible adaptability and efficiency of earth and marine creatures. Mimicking the form and function of some animals like monkeys, dogs, mantarey, fish, octopuses, and jellyfish, these robots are designed to navigate complex underwater environments with remarkable agility and grace. By incorporating biomimetic features such as flexible bodies, undulating fins, and sensory systems inspired by marine organisms, bioinspired underwater robots offer a unique approach to exploring and interacting with the ocean's depths. With applications ranging from underwater surveillance and environmental monitoring to search and rescue operations, these robots showcase the ingenuity of human engineering inspired by the wonders of the natural world. As researchers continue to unlock the secrets of marine life, bioinspired underwater robots promise to revolutionize our understanding of underwater exploration and inspire future innovations in robotics and marine science.
Cecilia García Cena (Center for Automation and Robotics, Polytechnic University of Madrid)
[Mar 13th 2024 (Wed) 13:30-15:00]
基礎工学研究科 C棟4階共用セミナー室
Boundary layer analysis in high-Rayleigh number turbulent convection
We study the structure of the thermal and viscous boundary layers in three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection for a range of Rayleigh numbers up to 1e+12 at Prandtl numbes of 0.7 in direct numerical simulations. The convection flow evolves in a Cartesian domain of aspect ratio 4H:4H:H with H being the layer height. Periodic boundary conditons are applied in the horizontal directions. We report the following findings: For the highest Rayleigh numbers, a hierarchy of the thermal plumes is observed. Finer plumes close to the wall merge to bigger ones further away from the wall. The plume formation can be connected to critical points of the two-dimensional wall-shear stress vector field, in particular node-saddle-node tripletts. The velocity field close to the wall can be decomposed into shear-dominated (with different directions) and shear-free regions. There is no coherent shear flow covering the whole boundary plate, as assumed in theories of turbulent heat transfer. We discuss possible connections of these findings to the scaling of the turbulent heat transfer with Rayleigh number which is close to a 1/3-power law.
Jörg Schumacher (Institute of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Technische Universität Ilmenau)
[Feb 2nd 2024 (Fri) 15:00-17:00]
Webexを使用します.聴講をご希望の方は杉山( sugiyama.kazuyasu.es@osaka-u.ac.jp )まで①氏名 ②所属を添えて2024年2月1日(木)までにメールにてお申し込みください.ミーティングリンクは,メールでお知らせします.
山本 啓太 (JAXA 研究開発部門 第三研究ユニット)
航空機エンジンの発展と新しい技術の取り組み ~航空の脱炭素化に向けて~
伊藤 優那 (株式会社IHI 航空・宇宙・防衛事業領域 技術開発センター エンジン技術部)
[Jan 22th 2024 (Mon) 16:00-17:00]
基礎工学研究科 A棟B201教室
Quantitative assessment of orthopaedic surgical loading conditions
In the development or biomechanical research on orthopedic surgery, practical loading conditions are crucial. The practical quantity of intra-op loading conditions enables us to estimate the safety of the surgical devices or treated joints in terms of mechanical quantities like the factor of safety or allowable deformation. However, the quantitative information on intra-op surgical techniques is quite limited. During my last 20 years of journey of biomechanics research, I have continuously kept eyes on the intra-op surgical treatment-related mechanical quantities. I will share my findings and listen your ideas.
Yeon Soo Lee (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medical Science, Catholic University of Daegu)
[Jan 15th 2024 (Mon) 14:00-16:00]
基礎工学研究科 F棟3階 生物工学コースセミナー室
Computational Psychophysiology and Mental Health
In recent years, mental health issues have become increasingly prominent all of the world. According to the report from the World Health Organization, approximately 970 million people suffer from mental disorders, accounting for 13% of the global population. Currently, the diagnosis of mental illnesses primarily relies on physician interviews and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), lacking objective and quantifiable diagnostic indicators. Moreover, the common treatment of mental disorders is pharmacotherapy, which is often associated with significant side effects. The rapid advancement of cutting-edge artificial intelligence and big data technologies offers new opportunities for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. These technologies are shifting the approach to data driven screening and treatment, offering more precise, personalized, and effective solutions. This talk will introduce the opportunities and challenges in the field of computational psychophysiology for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
Bin Hu (School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University)
Can Audio Bring New Opportunities to Digital Health? Exploring the Possibilities
As an interdisciplinary field that integrates the theories and methods of acoustics, signal processing, machine learning and other disciplines, Computer Audition (CA) is playing an increasingly important role in the field of digital medicine, intelligent healthcare, and bioinformatics. Due to its inherited characteristics of non-invasive and ubiquitous, audio has the potential applications in assisted diagnosis and early intervention of not only physical but also mental diseases. This talk will report the state-of-the-art work and the future trends about computer audition for healthcare.
Kun Qian (School of Medical Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology)
[Dec 18th 2023 (Mon) 13:30-14:30]
基礎工学研究科 C419(C棟共用セミナー室)
From poroelastodynamics to the cerebral poroelastic model and explore hydrocephalus
Technological advancements, as exemplified by computational science and biomedical engineering, are set to enhance our capacity to model and simulate an almost boundless array of intricate problems that have long resisted traditional methods of medical practice. Numerical techniques and simulations offer the potential for enhanced, clinically relevant predictive data and optimisation, facilitating more efficient allocation of resources for the development of treatment protocols, risk evaluation, and the urgently required management of a long-term care system for a wide range of brain disorders. In this presentation, the significance of exploring the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid transport phenoman and hydrocephalus is particularly noteworthy through numerical and computational modelling of the cerebral environment.
Dean Chou (Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University)
