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  2. 機能創成セミナー

機能創成セミナー Seminar on Mechanical Science and Bioengineering

基礎工学C棟4階 C棟共用セミナー室
Long-range memory and therefore inhomogeneity in periodic turbulence
伝統的な乱流の統計理論は,一様性・等方性といった概念の導入により発展してき .例えば,一様等方乱流に対する縦速度相関関数の時間発展方程式 [1] から,Kolmogorovの5分の4乗則が導き出されている.しかしながら,実際の多くの乱流の流れ場(少なくとも,瞬間場)は非一様・非等方であることから,より深く正しい理解に辿り着くために,一様性・等方性の概念を用いずに乱流の現象解明を試みる必要がある.近年の研究者らの精力的な研究により,ひとつの仮定も用いない最も一般的な2次速度構造関数の時間発展方程式 [2] が導出された.本研究では,直交する3方向に流れ場が周期的である乱流(周期箱乱流)の数値計算を行い,上記方程式を用いて2点統計解析を行った.それにより,われわれは非一様性に起因する乱流統計量の初期値鋭敏性の存在を明らかにした.この発見は,「ある一定の境界条件の下では,いかなる乱流も生み出された詳細に依らず,漸近的にひとつの乱流状態に発達していく」(Narasimha, 1989)という,経験に基づいた初期条件に対する認識に反するものである.
【参考文献】 [1] Karman, T. von & Howarth, L. (1938). Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 164, 192-215. [2] Hill, R. J. (2002). J. Fluid Mech., 468, 317-326.
安田 達哉 氏
Dr. Tatsuya Yasuda (Imperial College London, Research Associate)
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
基礎工学研究科B棟 B401講義室
Rehabilitation Robotics: Translating Neuroscience Motor Control into Practice
The demand for rehabilitation services is growing apace with the graying of the population. This situation creates both a need and an opportunity to deploy technologies such as rehabilitation robotics, and in the last decade and half several research groups have deployed variations of this technology. Results so far are mixed with the available evidence demonstrating unequivocally that some forms of robotic therapy can be highly effective,even for patients many years post-stroke, while other forms of robotic therapy have been singularly ineffective. The contrast is starkest when we contrast upper-extremity and lower-extremity therapy. In fact, the 2010 and 2016 Stroke Care Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) and of the Veterans Administration/Department of Defense (VA/DoD) endorsed the use of the rehabilitation robotics for upper extremity post-stroke care, but concluded that lower extremity robotic therapy is much less effective as compared to usual care practices in the US. We submit that the contrasting effectiveness of upper- and lower-extremity therapies arises from neural factors, not technological factors. Though, no doubt, it might be improved, the technology deployed to date for locomotor therapy is elegant and sophisticated. Unfortunately, it may be misguided, providing highly repeatable control of rhythmic movement but ultimately doing the wrong thing. The technology we have deployed to date for upper-extremity therapy is firmly based on an understanding of how upper extremity behavior is neurally controlled and derived from decades of neuroscience research. The limitations of lower-extremity robotic therapy lie not in the robotic technology but in its incompatibility with human motor neuroscience. Here I will briefly review the evidence supporting such negative views, and based on our experience with upper extremity robotic therapy, we describe what we are presently investigating to revert and work towards a future endorsement of the AHA and VA/DoD for rehabilitation robotics for lower extremity post-stroke care.
Hermano Igo Krebs
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
世話人:平井 宏明 / 参加者:未定
(1)Airflow in relation to human speech sound production
(2)Mechanical replicas for studying the physics of the vocal tract
(1) Despite the obvious crucial role of airflow to drive human speech sound production, traditionally, researchers studying the mechanisms underlying speech soundproduction considered extremely simple flow models in order to describe flow through the human upper airways. Whereas such a crude description might be sufficient to understand basic mechanisms for normal vowel sound production, it might be questioned for instance in the case of pathologies or when considering the production of non-vowel speech sounds. Indeed, moderate Reynolds numbers are associated with upper airway flow so that it is reasonable to assume that complex flow phenomena associated with the transition of laminar to turbulent flow can occur. In addition, geometrical asymmetries are likely to affect the flow during sound production. In this talk, experimental evidence will be presented illustrating the occurrence of complex flow phenomena related to the upper airway geometry. The shown studies aim to increase our understanding of the described phenomena as well as to comprehend their role in normal or pathological human speech sound production.
(2) Making measurements on the human voice organ in vivo is invasive and difficult. Reproducibility and accuracy is usually hard to achieve with living or excised tissue. For studying fundamental phenomena of the physics of voice production, it is often more convenient to use mechanical replicas of the various parts of the voice organ. In comparison to computer simulations, the physicality of replicas can impart a more immediate and intuitive appreciation of the structural dimensions and the mechanical and/or aeroacoustical aspects of voice production. In some cases, a highly simplified geometry for the vocal folds or the vocal tract is useful; it facilitates the specification of parameters, and the validation by measurement of numerical simulations of the corresponding geometries. In other cases, a more realistic 3-D geometry is needed to answer the research questions; such as for the study of the influence of particular pathologies or the cause of particular voice features. Modern 3-D printers have opened up the possibility to recreate complex shapes from MRI data, recently even in soft materials. In this talk, we first present a brief historical review of past or present work dealing with mechanical replicas and then illustrate some applications of these replicas in voice research.
(1)Annemie Van Hirtum
(CNRS researcher, GIPSA-lab; and Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka Univ.)
(2)Prof. Xavier Pelorson
(CNRS Director of Research, Gipsa-lab, France)
世話人:和田 成生 / 参加者:未定
基礎工学B棟2階 B205講義室
柳瀬 眞一郎 教授
岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科産業創成工学専攻先端機械学 教授
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
D棟セミナー室 (D404)
鉄道総合技術研究所 環境工学研究部 熱・空気流動 主任研究員
世話人:杉山 和靖 / 参加者:未定
Changes in the mechanical properties of the cell nucleus with implications in cardiovascular disease and aging
The sequencing of the human genome has provided a wealth of scientific information, but this information is limited by the poor understanding of the mechanisms which control gene expression. In addition to containing the code for the cell and beyond, the genome within the nucleus is a self-assembled polymeric structure with unique mechanical properties. Using spectrocopy, imaging, micromanipulation and computational techniques, we measure the mechanics of the nucleus at various length scales. We are particularly interested in the role that force and cytokine treatment play in altering nuclear mechanics and gene expression in primary human endothelial cells that line blood vessels. We examine the role of fluid shear stress and endothelial-specific growth factors on the reorganization of the nucleus and changes in nuclear mechanics. We find both a shear-dependent and time-dependent influence on nuclear mechanics. However, expression of proteins related to premature aging reduce or eliminate the ability of the nucleus to respond appropriately to applied force. Thus, there appears to be a balanced stiffness maintained throughout the cell including in the nucleus that can be modulated by external force; if this balance is altered by the accumulation of aging-specific proteins and the nucleus is stiffened pathology arises.
Prof. Kris Noel Dahl
Chemical Engineering and BioMedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
世話人:出口 真次 / 参加者:未定
武石 賢一郎 招聘教授
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
基礎工学D棟4階 D棟共用セミナー室
In the presentation we will discuss our research program concerning the study of extreme vortex events in viscous incompressible flows. These vortex states arise as the flows saturating certain fundamental mathematical estimates, such as the bounds on the maximum enstrophy growth in 3D (Lu & Doering, 2008). They are therefore intimately related to the question of singularity formation in the 3D Navier-Stokes system, known as the hydrodynamic blow-up problem. We demonstrate how new insights concerning such questions can be obtained by formulating them as variational PDE optimization problems which can be solved computationally using suitable discrete gradient flows. In offering a systematic approach to finding flow solutions which may saturate known estimates, the proposed paradigm provides a bridge between mathematical analysis and scientific computation. In particular, it allows one to determine whether or not certain mathematical estimates are "sharp", in the sense that they can be realized by actual vector fields, or if these estimates may still be improved. In the presentation we will review a number of new results concerning 2D and 3D flows characterized by the maximum possible growth of, respectively, palinstrophy and enstrophy. It will be shown that certain types of initial data, such as the Taylor-Green vortex, which have been used in numerous computational studies of the blow-up problem are in fact a particular instance (corresponding to an asymptotic limit) of our family of extreme vortex states. We will present results comparing the growth of relevant quantities in high-resolution direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes system obtained using our extreme vortex states and different initial data employed in earlier studies.
[Joint work with Diego Ayala]
Prof. Bartosz Protas
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
基礎工学A棟1階 A145室
(1)Deviation from High-Entropy Configurations in the Al1.3CoCrCuFeNi Alloy
(2)Study of Serrated Flows in Bulk Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys
(1)The alloy-design strategy of combining multiple elements in near-equimolar ratios has shown great potential for producing exceptional engineering materials, often known as “high-entropy alloys”. Understanding the elemental distributions, and, thus, the evolution of the configurational entropy during solidification, are the goal of the present research. The case of the Al1.3CoCrCuFeNi model alloy is examined, using integrated theoretical and experimental techniques, such as ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations, neutron scattering, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, high-resolution electron microscopy, and atom-probe tomography. It is shown that even when the material undergoes elemental segregation, precipitation, chemical ordering, and spinodal decomposition, a significant amount of disorder remains, due to the distributions of multiple elements in the major phases. The results suggest that the high-entropy-alloy-design strategy may be used to develop a wide range of complex materials, which are not limited to single-phase solid solutions. The integrated experimental and theoretical techniques, discussed here, are particularly well-suited to studying partially-ordered materials, produced using the high-entropy-alloy design strategy.
(2)Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and high entropy alloys (HEAs) attract more and more attention for their unique mechanical properties. Recent work suggests that BMGs and HEAs show serrated flows at certain temperatures and strain rates, which is similar to the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect (PLC) in traditional alloys. Therefore, the study of serration behavior could provide a unique way to investigate the deformation dynamics of BMGs and HEAs, and, consequently, to endow us with the fundamental understanding of deformation mechanisms for BMGs and HEAs. In this study, compressive behavior of BMGs and HEAs are characterized statistically, and a new model developed from the mean-field theory is utilized to describe the serrated flows in BMGs and HEAs.
Prof. Peter K. Liaw
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee
世話人:尾方 成信 / 参加者:未定
海洋研究開発機構 地球情報基盤センター 松田 景吾
世話人:後藤 晋 / 参加者:未定


