1. ホーム
  2. 機能創成セミナー

機能創成セミナー Seminar on Mechanical Science and Bioengineering


2012年12月26日 11:00~12:30



主に今後海外留学を考えている現役学生の方や、将来海外で(研究員や エンジニアとして) 働くことを考えておられる方を対象に、私個人の 体験談に加え留学の基礎情報や世界の留学事情などをご紹介します。 英語を含め、留学に必然的に付随してくるであろう不安材料に対する 対処法・提案などもお話ししたいと思います。また現在のF1マシンの 開発、特に空気力学を応用した開発についても付加的にですが少し お話しようと思います。

Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team CFD Engineer
久谷雄一 博士

[講演スライド]PPT file

世話人:杉本 信正 / 参加者:26 名


2012年11月21日 13:00~14:00



ヒトの運動器は冗長な数の自由度を有する筋骨格システムであるため,多種多彩な身体動作を生成することができる. 神経系が運動器をどのように組織化するかは,学習,発達,加齢,疾患によって変化することが知られているが, 巧みな動作や不自由な動作の背景にある脳神経メカニズムや力学規範については,未だ十分に理解されていない. 特に,動作の巧みさと不自由さが我々の日常生活や職業に大きな影響を与えうる「手指」の運動制御の仕組みについて 理解を深めることは,道具や楽器の使用を伴う熟練技能の熟達を支援し,運動器障害に苦しむ人々をサポートする上で 不可欠である.私はピアノ演奏をテーマに,多変量解析やクラスタ解析といった機械学習の手法を用いて,巧緻な手指 運動制御の仕組みの解明や,脳神経疾患である手指の局所ジストニアの病態生理学の解明,さらにはその定量的な診断 方法や神経リハビリテーションの開発に取り組んでいる.本講演では,これらの研究から明らかになりつつある, 長期的な運動訓練や脳神経疾患が大規模自由度システムである手指の運動制御に及ぼす影響について紹介する.

ハノーファー音楽演劇大学 音楽生理学・音楽家医学研究所/ 日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員/ フンボルト財団招聘研究員

世話人:宮崎 文夫 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年10月10日 14:50~16:00

A棟 A304室

国家計量標準機関の役割と研究活動 -「長さ」標準の取組み-

(独)産業技術総合研究所計量標準総合センターは,日本の国家計量標準機関として 国家標準の開発および供給を行っている.基本単位の一つである「長さ」は標準と して最も古い歴史を持ち,19世紀後半に制定されたメートル法の理念を色濃く反映 しており、現在まで引き継がれている.「長さ」標準を通して,標準の歴史,現在の 国際的動向,国内の標準供給体制等を紹介し,国家標準が測定現場までどのように 繋がっているか紹介する.また,新規標準として立ち上げた固体屈折率標準の研究 活動についても触れる予定である.

堀 泰明氏

世話人:荒木 勉 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年9月3日 13:00~15:00


Mechanics of capsules, cells and vesicles in flow

A capsule consists of some internal medium enclosed by a semi-permeable membrane that controls exchanges between the environment and the internal contents and has thus a protection role. Natural capsules are cells, bacteria, eggs or lipid vesicles. Artificial capsules are widely used in many industries such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food industries for controlled release of active principles, aromas or flavours. The mechanics of the capsule wall may be governed mostly by shear and area dilation forces (polymerized membrane of artificial capsules), by bending forces (constant area lipid bilayer of vesicles) or by shear and bending forces (red blood cell membrane). When a capsule is suspended into another flowing liquid, it is deformed by viscous fluid stresses that may cause break-up. Understanding this process is crucial for assessment of the membrane mechanical properties, artificial capsule design and burst control. The simplest capsule model consists of a liquid droplet enclosed by a very thin elastic membrane. Assuming the particle Reynolds number to be small, the capsule motion is due to inertialess interactions between the viscous flow of two liquids (inside and outside the capsule) and the large deformation of a thin membrane. It thus involves the solution of a complicated fluid-structure interaction problem. The fluid equations can be solved with different techniques (e.g., immersed boundaries, boundary integrals). The main challenge is to model properly a solid deformable membrane that has a non-linear constitutive law and that undergoes large displacements and deformations. Some classical modeling procedures will be presented and discussed for the motion and deformation of different types of capsules in shear flow. A new model that couples a boundary integral solution for the fluids and a finite element approach for the wall will be presented and discussed. It will be shown how this model allows to capture the motion and deformation of artificial capsules, vesicles or cells in different flows such as unbounded shear flow or confined pore flow.

Universit´e de Technologie de Compi`egne Biom´ecanique et Bioing´enierie UMR CNRS 7338
Prof. Dominique Barth`es-Biesel

世話人:和田 成生 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年6月21日 15:00~17:00

A棟 A304室

「若い研究者・技術者に望むこと -ブレークスルーのために感性を磨く-」

茨城県企画部技監として,現在日本原子力研究開発機構原子力科学研究所構内に建設された J-PARC(大強度陽子加速器施設)の物質科学生命実験施設(MLF)に茨城県が整備した2台の 中性子実験装置の産業利用を推進しています.その概要と,材料強度研究者として携わってきた 研究の一部を紹介します.その経験を踏まえて感じている,研究開発・技術開発を進めるに 当たって必要な必要な考え方,取組み方,ならびに,資質とは何かについて話したいと思います.

林真琴 氏

世話人:平尾 雅彦 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年5月28日 15:50~17:00


「Experimental and numerical aeroacoustic study of human unvoiced sibilant fricative speech production mechanisms」

Human unvoiced sibilant fricative [s] speech production involves the noise produced by a complex fluid-structure interaction between a moderate Reynolds number turbulent jet (100< Re< 10000) issued from a constriction somewhere in the vocal tract and incisors. To contribute to the physical study of sibilant fricative speech production, two types of simplified in-vitro tooth-shaped (single and dual) obstacle replicas are experimentally investigated. Acoustic measurements of the noise emitted by an airflow passing through each of the two replicas are performed at several moderate Reynolds numbers relevant to fricative production. Several geometric parameters of the two replicas, as well as inlet and outlet conditions, are varied in order to study their influence on the produced sound. In addition to the in-vitro study, the current work at Wada-lab is to simulate some of the experimentally tested configurations and to compare numerical results to corresponding measurements.

GIPSA-lab, Grenoble University Grenoble, France
Dr. Yo Fujiso

世話人:和田 成生 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年5月28日 14:40~15:50


「Acoustic radiation force and its biomedical applications」

The acoustic radiation force (RF) is, in general, defined as period-averaged action of sound wave on the medium. The concept of “radiation pressure” in acoustics was developed since early 20th century by many outstanding physicists including Rayleigh, Bjerknes, Brillouin, and Langevin. In the recent years, a new field of biomedical ultrasound applications based on the use of the RF has emerged. In particular, nonlinear methods based on using RF in medical diagnostics and imaging of tissues have been developed. One of such methods uses the radiation force created by focused ultrasound that induces highly localized shear displacements, which can be visualized by ultrasonic or MRI methods in order to obtain an image of the investigated tissue including that with lesions and tumors. Another group of methods is the use of ultrasonic waves in resonators for mixing and stirring, and manipulating particles and bubbles in small volumes of fluid. A new, promising area of application is detection, monitoring, and concentrating very small (micron-range) particles, such as somatic cells and bacteria, in standing ultrasonic waves. The cylindrical standing wave system performance was tested for the E.coli bacteria in water and for a multi-component system containing fat globules and somatic cells in milk.
In this presentation we discuss selected theoretical and experimental problems associated with RF in fluids and tissues, as well as possible applications.

Zel Technologies and the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Prof. L. A. Ostrovsky

世話人:杉本 信正 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年5月21日 15:00~15:50

D棟共用セミナー室 D404-408

「The determination of the parameters in constitutive model of bird material in bird strike simulation」

In general case, three kinds of constitutive model equations that are used to simulate the bird: Elastic Plastic constitutive model with failure, the Isotropic Elastic Plastic Hydrodynamic solid, and the Murnaghan Equation of State for Solid Element. However, the parameters for these constitutive equations are difficult to choose from different sources in numerical simulation. In the present representation, the experiments of bird impact on a plate perpendicularly at the velocity of 70m/s, 120m/s and 170m/s were performed respectively. The displacements, strains of the plate as well as the reaction force were measured. The smooth particles Hydrodynamic (SPH) combing the finite element method were used to model the bird impacting on a plate with the fixture of the experiments using PAM-CRASH. The dynamic response of the plate such as displacements, strain and the reaction force of the fixture were calculated corresponding to the experiment. The measured strains and maximum displacements of the plate are used to deduce constitutive model parameters of the bird using optimization inversion methods performed in integrated environmental software iSIGHT.

Department of Aircraft Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Jun Liu and Yulong Li

世話人:小林 秀敏 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年5月21日 14:00~14:50

D棟共用セミナー室 D404-408

「Temperature and strain rate sensitivities of ultrafine-grained copper under uniaxial compression」

As ultrafine-grained (UFG) materials with grain size in the range of tens to several hundreds of nanometer show many unique mechanical and physical properties, their mechanical properties have attracted considerable attention in recent years. It is widely accepted that plastic deformation of metals is a thermally activated process which always depends on both strain rate and temperature. Thus, investigations on the strain rate and temperature dependence of mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained (UFG) materials are essential to extend our understanding on these unusual solids. In this work, uniaxial compressive experiments of ultrafine-grained copper fabricated by equal channel angular pressing method were performed at temperatures ranging from 77 to 573K under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. Based on the experimental results, the influence of temperature on flow stress, strain hardening rate and strain rate sensitivity were investigated carefully.

School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Tao Suo, Yulong Li, and Feng Zhao

世話人:小林 秀敏 / 参加者:xxx 名


2012年5月9日 13:00~14:30

A棟 A403室


世界的な価格競争に対抗するため,日本企業は,今後一層人件費の安い地域に生産機 能を移すことになり, 製造業の空洞化はより進むことになるだろう。 これらに対抗するには,陳腐だが,新規な研究開発しかないと考える。以前三菱電機 に勤めていた時, 液晶デバイスの研究を担当し,サムスン電子(韓国)と共同開発を 行い,実際に韓国にも3ヶ月間滞在した。 その体験をもとに日本の産業の行くべき道を 考えてみたい。

金沢工業大学 バイオ・化学部 応用化学科

世話人:荒木 勉 / 参加者:xxx 名


