1. ホーム
  2. 機能創成セミナー

機能創成セミナー Seminar on Mechanical Science and Bioengineering

名古屋工業大学 玉野 真司
世話人:後藤 晋 / 参加者:未定
Haptics for Augmented Reality and Teleoperated Robots
The word haptics means “related to the sense of touch”. In the psychology and neuroscience fields, haptics is the study of human touch sensing, specifically via kinesthetic (force) and cutaneous (tactile) receptors, associated with perception and manipulation. In the robotics and virtual reality fields, haptics is broadly defined as real and simulated touch interactions between robots, humans and real, remote, or simulated environments, in various combinations. This talk focuses on the use of specialized robotic devices and their corresponding control, known as haptic interfaces, that allow human operators to experience the sense of touch in simulated (virtual) and remote (teleoperated) environments. We will discuss the design, development, and experimental validation of haptic interfaces that can be used to enhance human performance in applications ranging from physics education to robot-assisted surgery.
Prof. Allison M. Okamura
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
世話人:黒田 嘉宏 / 参加者:未定
心臓の循環生理、電気生理は比較的容易に定量、測定および摂動できるため、歴史的に数理的アプローチが多く利用されてきた。数理的アプローチは心不全や不整脈といった心臓病の診断、治療、予防に有効である。 古典的な数理的手法である連続体力学、 流体力学、電気生理などに加え、近年では幾つかの新しい手法が注目されている。本セミナーでは、心臓病に対する新しい数理的手法の例として、我々が研究する情報理論、複雑ネットワーク理論、確率共鳴について紹介する。
ジョンスホプキンス大学医学部不整脈科 足利 洋志
世話人:和田 成生 / 参加者:未定
大阪大学会館 2F セミナー室1
いざ! バイオミメティックス!―生物機能を工学技術に移転する技法を探るー
International Seminar for Biomimetics, ?Seeking transfer methods of biotic function to engineering technique?
13:30 開会(小林)
13:35 趣旨説明(山内先生)
13:45 Julian Vincent 先生(Bath 大学名誉教授)(45 分)
講演題目:An Objective Approach to Biomimetics
14:30 岡本 秀穂先生(住友化学OB)(45 分)
講演題目:Biomimetic Design Concept of Composite Materials
15:15 休 憩(20 分)
15:30 安永秀計先生(京都工芸繊維大学)(45 分)
講演題目:Hair Dyeing by Using Bio-based Materials
16:15 Prof. Frank Ebinger and Dr Ryo Kohsaka(Technische Hochschule Nurnberg)(45 分)
講演題目:Technological innovation and biomitetics - patent driven projects at the technical university of Nuremberg
17:00 閉会(香坂先生)
世話人:小林 秀敏 / 参加者:未定
Transition to turbulence in wall-bounded flows: from small to large scales
In contrast to the globally supercritical scenario developing in Rayleigh?Benard or Couette?Taylor systems and cascading to turbulence in a progressive way, a much wilder, basically subcritical, transition is typical of wall-bounded open flows. A crucial trait of this transition is the existence of a range of Reynolds numbers R where domains of laminar and turbulent flow coexist, separated by fluctuating interfaces. Pipe flow and plane Couette flow are emblematic of this situation since they happen to be stable against infinitesimal perturbations for all R. The local mechanism by which turbulence sustains itself inside the turbulent domains, puffs and slugs, spots, bands,… is believed to be well understood. On the contrary, the principles underlying the large scale organization of the laminar-turbulent coexistence observed in extended systems, long pipes or wide channels, are still somewhat mysterious. After having set the frame for plane Couette flow, I shall approach the latter problem by a mixture of numerical simulations and modeling. I shall argue that a good understanding of the dynamics of large-scale flows generated by Reynolds stresses issued from small-scale local turbulence is needed in order to get the picture right.
Dr. Paul Manneville Hydrodynamic laboratory (LadHyX), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
国家計量標準の移り変わりと現在の働き -「長さ」標準を中心として-
産業技術総合研究所 堀泰明
世話人:橋本 守 / 参加者:未定
Multiscale modelling of materials: Case studies using particles and fields
In this talk, I will focus computer simulations and multiscale modelling of materials. I will use self-assembly of amyloids and magentic materials as examples. The former will be discussed in terms of molecular multiscale methods and for the latter, a field-theoretical approach will be discussed. In both cases, the simulations will be compared with experiments. Time permitting, I will also discuss some issues and problems that may rise in computational modelling: While computer simulations can be very good in providing even quantitative predicitions, they can also give results that are spectacular but fully unphysical if not executed carefully. Some recent developments and approaches to make simulation even more reliable will be discussed.
Dr. Mikko Karttunen, Professor, Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
web: www.softsimu.org/mikko
世話人:越山顕一朗 / 参加者:未定
State of the art of wavelets for turbulence: analysis, modeling and simulation
Wavelets analysis and compression tools to study fluid turbulence are reviewed and different applications are presented. We introduce the continuous and the orthogonal wavelet transform and detail several statistical diagnostics based on the wavelet coefficients. We then show how to extract coherent structures out of fully developed turbulent flows using wavelet based denoising. Finally some multiscale numerical simulation schemes using wavelets are described. Several examples for analyzing, compressing and computing turbulent flows are presented.
Prof. Marie Farge, LMD-CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France
Prof. Kai Schneider, M2P2-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
世話人:河原 源太 / 参加者:未定
概要:2030年の我が国における発電計画が閣議決定された。 再生可能エネルギーが22~23%、化石燃料の使用が未だ56% を占める。地球温暖化に対処した日本のエネルギー消費の歴 史を振り返り燃料種の変遷、そしてエネルギー源のあるべき姿 を展望する。中でも2004年から国家プロジェクトとして開発が進 められてきた1700℃級高温ガスタービンの開発を紹介する。
武石 賢一郎 大阪大学招聘教授/徳島文理大学理工学部教授
世話人:石田 秀士 / 参加者:未定
(1) Pulmonary acinar biomechanics -kinematics and particle deposition in pulmonary acinus
(2) Pulmonary acinar particle transport: convection, sedimentation, diffusion and their interplay
(1) Pulmonary acinus is constituted the groups of structures peripheral to terminal bronchiole, including alveolar ducts and numerous surrounding alveoli, and is defined functionally as the largest lung unit. The acinus expands and contracts in volume during breathing. The varying three dimensional complicated geometry is fundamental to the study of alveolar mechanics and can affect acinar biomechanics, such as acinar flow and particle deposition. Here, I present our recent works on acinar kinematics and particle deposition in acinus. For acinar kinematics, we observed acinar deformation of mice lungs in situ during quasi-static inflation and deflation using synchrotron CT. For particle deposition, we reconstructed the complicated acinar geometry based on synchrotron CT images and evaluated the distribution of nano- and micro-particle deposition using computational fluid dynamics.
(2) Inhaled fine and ultrafine aerosols can either pose a health risk, e.g. sooty particles, or can be integral particle of medical treatments serving as drug carriers with the potential to further migrate into the systemic circulation. To date, it is widely acknowledged that inhaled particles ranging from 0:001 to 10 m are able to reach and deposit in the alveolated regions of the lungs. However, little is known about the local transport dynamics and deposition mechanisms of (ultra) fine particles affected by diffusion, convection and sedimentation. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, we shed some light on the local transport characteristics of inhaled aerosols in the acinar region and analyze physiologically-relevant deposition metrics.
(1) Toshihiro Sera, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
(2) Philipp Hofemeier and Josue Sznitman, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
世話人:和田 成生 / 参加者:未定


